The Striker I got was really too tight for comfort.
Cheek-wise, it was ok. Snug, warm and comfortable.
But it was kinda tight on the crown. A hour or more and I was feeling the beginnings of a major migrane if I don't take it off.
That would not do on a long haul ride or touring.
So I sold it off to a nice gentleman and went back to the shop. This time, I really wanted a GP-1.
But, damn, it was EVEN tighter, even for a XL. The cheek pad was a hellraiser in trying to get past my crown (perhaps a statement of my well-endowed brain size....).
So I tried out the plain-vanilla matt-black Striker.
WTF? It was as light as the GP-1 and certainly lighter than the design Striker.
So I asked for the largest plain Striker they had. And it was a great fit.
No threat of a major migrane or anything. After 15 minutes of dicussions with the young chap whom I dealt with if the boss wasn't around, I managed to haggle it down to the same price I paid earlier.
And this time, I'm really happy.
The Striker in my office:
The Striker field-stripped:
Next toy, please....
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