About 2 weekends ago, a local mag approached us to do some photoshoot and maybe a piece about the GSR and the current active group. Some interesting events happened on the that day. But that's another story for another day.
Moving forward, about 28 GSRs managed to gather that day for the shoot. Someone came out with the ingenious idea to arrange our bikes in what I nicked as the "Triangle of Terror". Here it is for your enjoyment:
So, tonight, MCA wants to have a chat with us as content for the article.
Glad to see the bike is getting some exposure. A lot of riders see it on the ride but know nuts about, a year on.
The article's coming out in October. Maybe, maybe, I can ask permission from MCA to post a scanned copy of only the article, from a copy I paid for, of course.
No guarantees, though....
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