One of the minor complaints about the Ghost (and I can assure you I have
very little complaints about the Ghost) is of its rather... naked-ness when touring.
Simply said, high speed touring with it is a bit of challenge. A pain in the neck is a better analogy.
But I say again, the Ghost is not some tourer that's dressed up or touted to be a street racer. Its a streetfighter first, pure & born one. Yet it still can go on touring, though do not expect the same comfort you would on a big tourer like the STX, FJRs and the such.
So, in anticipation of more touring activities, some time last year I headed back to Motorworld and, in a moment of pure impulse, snagged a nice Ermax "double-bubble" windshield in a "light-smoked" tint. The price, I can assure you, is very reasonable compared to buying it from Ermax or authorized dealers in Europe and shipping it over.
Looks something like this one mounted on a showcase GSR600:

Well, I had a mixed reaction about it after some time to sober up.
On the optimistic end of the scale, it does look good. Comparable to the Puig ones (which didn't come out until much later), has the sporty double-bubble look & of course, Ermax screens are used by Rossi (though I must now categorically state I do no like Rossi).
On the other end of the pessimistic scale, it somewhat took away the raw, naked feel of the bike most GSR riders are familiar with.
In the middle, it works as it was intended to, though to certain extent.
Here it is in action on a road trip to Melaka:

Well, sadly, I sold it to GSR buddy as I need to finance another project and it just didn't sit with me well in local roads.
Now, as I write this, I'm considering of getting another one...